Site Page Drupal 7


How to create a site page, the most basic (and often the most common) content type. The right-side menu on the page is called the Right Rail.


All users of Digital Commons sites: Editors, Publishers, Site Managers, Site Admins

How To

Go to Add Content > Site Page. 

1. Title: This is a required field.

2. Language:  Keep this at Language Neutral. (For pages that are going to be translated into another language, this feature can be useful.)

3. Body: The Body field contains a text editor, also called a WYSIWYG, meaning What You See Is What You Get. You can add content here similar to how you would enter in Microsoft Word.

4. Related Content: Add links here to related content that is either off-site, or in a separate section of the website. (It does not make sense to link to content within the current section, because the menu is used for that.) Multiple links can be re-ordered by drag-and-drop.

5. Main Image: This is an optional field. An image can be added here, and it will appear above the content that was placed in the Body. Alternatively, you can add an image within the WYSIWYG.

6. Files: If a file is associated with the page, upload it here. 

7. Key Search Topics: This field is normally left blank, and should only be entered by the Site Admin/Website Owner. It manipulates the search results to give high priority to the page when a specific word or phrase is entered here. The Site Manager should be consulted before using this field to ensure all are in agreement.

screenshot of back end, with each of the numbered steps

Revision Information

An Editor user has access to Revision information at the bottom of the page. Log messages about changes made to the content, as well as set the moderation state of a node, to Draft or Needs Review.

revision info on the Drupal back end

Save Site page.