User Accounts: Cancelling or Blocking Users


Web Managers have the ability to cancel or block users on their Digital Commons website. When a user leaves your agency, you should cancel or block their account.


Web Managers


Cancel Account

Cancelling remove a user from the site entirely. You must then decide what to do with the ownership of the content they created.

In the Admin menu, go to People. Find the person who needs to be canceled:

  1. Click the check box beside the user name.
  2. Expand the Update Options list and choose "Cancel the selected user accounts."
  3. Click "Update."

screenshot of first and second step

  1. Click the radio button, "Delete the account and make its content belong to the Anonymous user."
  2. Click "Cancel account."

screenshot of the fourth and fifth steps

  1. Click "Cancel accounts," once more to confirm.

screenshot of the sixth step

Block Account

Blocking an account removes a user's access to the site, but does not delete them. This method allows you to maintain their content with their name as the owner. Any user with appropriate permissons can modify the content or assign themselves as the owner, but it's sometimes useful historically to know who created content originally.

From the People screen:

  1. Click the check box beside the user name.
  2. Expand the Update Options list and choose "Block the selected user."
  3. Click Update.