Alert Block
The Alert Block is meant for providing lightweight feedback about an operation or highlighting time-sensitive information to site visitors. An Alert Block will display a brief message at the top of a site visitor’s screen, on all nodes, until either the user selects “X Dismiss” or the Alert expires.
Site Managers and Site Admins. Publishers have the ability to edit existing cards.
How to create an Alert Block
Select Blocks > Add Block > Alert Block.
1. Populate all required fields
- Label: The name of the block that will display in the admin interface, allowing you & other users to find the block in the system
- Alert Level: Single option that will dictate the display of the Alert (see “Use Case” section above)
- Alert Title: Plain text title of alert; this will appear in all caps between the alert level icon & the alert summary
- Alert Summary: Plain text description of the alert; this will appear following the Alert Title
2. Populate any other fields with pertinent information
- Alert Expiration: The date and time at which the alert will expire; once the date/time has been reached, the alert will be automatically removed from the site
- Note, if this field is left blank, the alert will display permanently; the alert will only be suppressed once a site visitor dismisses it by selecting the “X Dismiss” option in the right corner of the saved Alert
3. Select Save
The colors used depend on your website's default color palette.