Digital Commons Agency Website Managers

The North Carolina State Agency Websites hosted on the Digital Commons platform are listed below in a searchable data table with links to the websites opening in a new window. Website Manager names are provided.

Visit Website Website Manager(s) Imogen Hoyle
Administration Jaylan Harrington
Administrative Hearings Alex Burgos; Dana McGee
Adult Correction Carleshia Thornton
African American Heritage Commission Adrienne Nirde
Agriculture & Consumer Services Adam Kracht; Stuart Medlin
Albemarle-Pamlico National Estuary Partnership Heather B. Jennings
Alcoholic Beverage Control Kelton Brown; Liz Bruner
America 250 NC Kaytee Smith; Karl Galloway
American Indian Heritage Commission Quinn Godwin
Archaeology Courtney Page
Arts Council Ai-Ling Chang
Auctioneer Licensing Board Becky Stewart
Auditor Terry Norwood
Board of Barber & Electrolysis Examinors Dennis Seavers
Board of Elections Britt Valentine
Broadband Infrastructure Office Kelly Gardner
Budget and Management Marcia Evans
Commerce David Rhoades
Commissioner of Banks Stephen Snively
COVID-19 Response Kristin Zachary
Cyber Security Response Force Andrew Blackmon
Digital Commons Support Jennifer Vinciguerra
Digital Commons Training Jennifer Vinciguerra
Employment Security Larry Parker
Environmental Education Lisa Tolley; Marty Wiggins
Environmental Justice Hub Kelly Gardner
Environmental Quality Lucy Rojo
eProcurement Jeff Gates
Ethics Commission Kathleen Edwards
Financial Literacy Council Christy Farrelly
Fire Marshal Chris Decker
Governor Olivia Weidie
Green Book of the Carolinas Adrienne Nirde
Health and Human Services John Booth
Health Information Exchange Authority Kelly Gardner
Health Plan Justin Wylie
Health Services Benefits- Medicaid Scott Coleman; Dan Guy; Katherine Batton
Historic Sites Jennifer Farley; Jeremiah DeGennaro
Historic Preservation Office Kaytee Smith
Hometown Strong Karl Galloway
Human Resources Devon McGreavy
Information Technology Kelly Gardner
Innovation Council Stephen Snively
IT Services Kelly Gardner
Insurance Cory Redick
Labor Jay Cronley; Meredith Watson
Land and Water Fund Damon Hearne
Lieutenant Governor Margaret Seets
Longitudinal Data Service Jessica Haggins; Kelly Gardner
Military and Veterans Affairs Dwight Collins
Museum of History Brandon Yowell
Museum of the Albemarle Rebecca Stiles; Andrew Nelson Redondo
Museum of the Cape Fear Vacant
Mountain Gateway Museum Vacant
Music Office Max Brzezinski; Kaytee Smith
National Guard Bridget Pittman-Blackwell
Natural and Cultural Resources Kaytee Smith
Natural Heritage Program Mitch East
NC ABLE Christy Farrelly
NC CASH Brent Brafford
NCPRO Emily (Lou) Owoc
ORBIT-MyNCRetirement Brent Brafford
Our NC Military Dwight Collins
Parks & Recreation Louise Orr
Public Health Kristin Zachary
Public Instruction Eric Knuckles
Public Safety Kirsten Barber
Public Staff Dan Birkbichler
Queen Anne's Revenge Kim Kenyon
Ready NC Brian Haines
Rebuild NC Sarah Crump; Kathleen Jacob
Resilience Exchange Bridget Munger
Retirement Systems Brent Brafford
Revenue Sarah Stephens; Joy Browning
Roanoke Island Festival Park Olivia Pratt
Safety and Health Review Commission Karissa Sluss
State Archives Ashley Yandle
State Controller Brian Reinhardt
State Library Kaili Sullivan
Trails Louise Orr
Treasurer Brent Brafford
Website & Social Media Archives Ashley Yandle
Western North Carolina Recovery Paige Pearson
Wildlife Resources Commission Jamie Hall; Heather Hugh-Jones

This page was last modified on 03/11/2025