Platform Improvements
Landing Page Enhancements
Layout Paragraphs: Landing Page Enhancements in Action
What's Changing?
Enhancements to Landing Pages will roll out during Summer of 2024. Landing pages will continue to be built using bands. Back-end code improvements will allow more flexibility and control of bands and the content contained within them. This improved function, combined with a friendlier user interface and a new look in editing mode, improves the content management workflow. The site visitor experience will remain unchanged. Learn more about Landing Page Enhancements.
Quick Bites- Short videos on specific features
Creating links
Button links
Creating (paragraph) blocks and cards
Media Entity and Files
Replace a Page with the Same Name
Modifying the Footer Block
Home Page Search Block
Webform Training Videos
Grant User Access to a Specific Webform
This video will walk you through the steps of adding a user to a specific webform in order to download submission results.
Attaching Webform to a Webform Node
This Video will walk you through the steps of attaching a webform entity to a webform node.
Configuring Email Notifications for Your Webform
This video will walk you through the process of setting up your webforms so end users and agency contacts will receive an email notification when data is submitted.
Views Training Videos
Taxonomy Foundations and Best Practices
This video provides tips and best practices on managing taxonomy terms within vocabularies on your Digital Commons site.
Creating a Grid Calendar using Views
This video will walk you through the steps of creating and configuring a calendar using Views