Help Topics

Are some of these words unfamiliar? Check out the Glossary of Terms.  See also, Training Videos.

I need help with Category Description
Accessibility Checker SEO & Usability The Accessibility Checker runs automatically. It identifies potential accessibility issues and tells you how to correct them.
Alert Content Type Alerts quickly grab visitor attention for time-sensitive notices. They display in a block at the top of all pages by default, but can be limited to specific pages or sections.
Analytics Dashboard SEO & Usability List of Analytics Dashboards
Article Card Paragraph Component The Article Card is used as a general teaser for content. It contains an image and text and a link to point visitors to more detailed content.
Audio and Podcast File Embed Images, Documents & Media How to embed an audio file in the text editor so that visitors can play the audio directly from the page.
Bands Layout & Design Bands are horizontal containers used to layout content on Landing Pages.
Blog Entry Content Type A Blog Entry is a page for a new blog article. It can contain images and videos. A link to the Blog Entry is automatically added to your website's blog view when published.
Button Style Link Buttons can be used to highlight links on a page.
Callout Paragraph Component Callout blocks can call attention to certain text and images.
Carousel Images, Documents & Media The Carousel block is meant for either Banner (single image/slide) or Slider (multiple images/slides) content.
Catalog Dynamic Content Catalogs are useful to organize a complex list of items, as in a program directory.
Catalogue Items Content Type A Catalog Item is a page describing an item or offering. It is added to your website's existing catalog when published. The catalog must be configured before items can be added to it.
Clickable Email Link Clickable email addresses allow users to click and open their default email application.
Clickable Phone Number Link How to make telephone numbers clickable on mobile devices for easy dialing.
Color Palettes Layout & Design Six accessible color palettes are available for Digital Commons websites.
CTA Card Paragraph Component The CTA Card serves as a Call to Action prompting a site visitor to act. It includes an icon and link.
Data Table Content Type Data Table pages organize related information and are both sortable and searchable. They are created by uploding a Comma-separated Values (.csv) file created in spreadsheet software, such as Excel.
Event Content Type An Event is a page for a dated calendar event. It can contain images and videos. A link to the Event is automatically added to your website's event view when published. Note: This is not to be confused with the Event Card paragraph component, which is a layout element inserted into a page.
Event Card Paragraph Component Event Cards help raise awareness, improve visibility, and increase attendance for scheduled events.
How To Page Content Type A How To page is tailored specifically to outline a process in order by numbered steps.
Icons Images, Documents & Media How to use SVG files for icons on CTA Cards
Image Images, Documents & Media How to choose between JPG and PNG image formats.
Landing Pages Content Type Landing Pages are used for top-level pages on your website to provide visitors with a broad overview of topics and to point them to more detailed content elsewhere. Landing Pages use Bands to organize content into columns. Note: You must first insert a Band in order to add content to a Landing Page. Landing Page Bands may have up to four columns and can be customized. See the Bands Help Topic for guidance.
Link to a Tab or Accordion Link Create a link to content that is hidden on a page by Tab or Accordion.
Main Image Images, Documents & Media The Main Image appears at the top of a site page.
Managing Content Content Management How to manage content on the Digital Commons platform.
Media Library Images, Documents & Media Uploading Media items: Audio Files, Documents, Icons, and Images.
Menu Structure and Navigation Layout & Design How to add links to the various menus and navigation considerations.
Mobile Responsive iframes Paragraph Component How to make iframes responsive for mobile
Moderation Dashboard Content Management How to view and moderate content submitted by other content editors.
NC Map Paragraph Component The NC Map block is a responsive, interactive map of North Carolina counties which can display information and link to other web pages.
Press Release Content Type A Press Release is a page for a new press announcement. It can contain images and videos. A link to the Press Release is automatically added to your website's press release view when published.
Profile Content Type A Profile is a page that provides the job title, biography and contact information for an individual. This content type is most often used for senior leadership or committee members. Note: This is not to be confused with the Profile Card paragraph component, which is a layout element inserted into a page.
Profile Card Paragraph Component A Profile Card highlights an individual. It displays a photo, name, job title, phone number, and email address, and can be linked to a full Profile or biography. Note: This is not to be confused with the Profile content type.
Quick Links Paragraph Component The Quick Links block is a compact way to present a list of related links. Two styling options are available.
Site Page Content Type Site Pages are used for lower-level pages on your website focusing on detailed content. They are the most-used content type and simpler than Landing Pages. Note: You must first insert either a one-column or two-column Band before you can add content to a Site Page. Paragraph Component options vary based on the Band layout you choose.
Spotlight Paragraph Component Spotlight paragraphs can be used to highlight press releases, events, featured articles, and links.
Statistic Card Paragraph Component Statistic Cards provide statistical information about your content.
Summary Field SEO & Usability The Summary field displays a deliberate description of your blogs and press release pages rather than a default description.
Tabs/Accordion Paragraph Component Accordions and Tab Accordions allow you to organize information on a page so that only the first entry is visible, and the other entries are visible when the user clicks on the tab.
Taxonomy Dynamic Content Taxonomy is used to classify website content, such as tags used to classify or categorize posts in a blog.
Text Editor Paragraph Component Enter content in a text editor - WYSIWYG.
Upload a File Images, Documents & Media There are two methods of uploading files, which behave differently. This article also specifies how to replace and delete files.
URL Redirects Content Management Web Managers can create a friendlier, shorter URL, which can be used in press releases and newsletters.
User Accounts: Adding a New User User Management Web Managers have the ability to add new users to their Digital Commons website.
User Accounts: Canceling or Blocking User Management Web Managers can cancel user accounts or block users from accessing a website.
Video Card Paragraph Component How to place YouTube or Vimeo videos on your website.
View Webform Submissions Webform Web Managers can view all submissions from a webform, and save it as a CSV file. Editors and Publishers can view submissions from forms they created.
Views Dynamic Content Create a Custom View (for Events, Press Releases, Blogs, etc.) and embed the block on a Landing Page or Site Page.
Webforms Content Type A Webform is a form or questionnaire accessible to users. They may be simple or complex and can include conditional logic, but must not be used to collect Personally Identifiable Information (PII). Advanced training is required.

This page was last modified on 03/04/2025