How To
Choose a Page Type
On a Site Page:
- From the Add dropdown menu, choose Add NC Map.
On a Landing Page:
- Add or Edit a Band. On Landing Pages, the best practice is to use the Map in a Full Width Band, or no smaller than a 2-Column Band. The 2-Column Band can be divided into one-third/two-thirds, with Map placement in the two-thirds section.
- Under Child Paragraph, choose Add NC Map.
Map Data
The Map Table automatically loads values for all 100 counties in North Carolina.
Default county values include:
- County — each county name (example, Alamance).
- Title — example
- URL —
- Fill Color — Blue
Allowable color values include:
- Black
- Blue or Light Blue
- Green or Light Green
- Off White
- Olive or Light Olive
- Orange or Light Orange
- Deep Purple or Light Purple
- Red or Light Red
Table Caption
Table Caption — Enter a brief caption associated with the Map Table. This caption helps screen readers better describe the content within. (In this example, Counties with North Carolina Historic Sites.)
County Fields
Edit the County fields to show and highlight the desired information. In this example, the Map highlights Counties with North Carolina Historic Sites.
Example County Fields:
- County — Alamance.
- Title — Alamance Battleground
- Fill Color — Light Green
In this example, counties with North Carolina Historic Sites are highlighted in Light Green. The remaining counties have the default Blue setting.
- County and Title field values are displayed when the mouse cursor hovers over the county.
- Click the county to link to the desired URL.
- Counties with empty Fill Color values appear with gray cross-hatching.
- Add or remove Title, URL, and Fill Color values in the Map Table as needed.
CSV Files
In addition to the online interface, the data in the Map Table can be edited in a comma-separated values (CSV) file, a plain text file for spreadsheets.
To download a copy of the Map template with its default values:
- Click Download CSV Template (at the top of the Map Data section).
To upload an edited CSV file:
- Click Import from CSV (below the County data section and Add Row button).
- Click Choose File.
- Select the CSV file and click Open.
- Click Upload CSV.
To provide accessibility to screen readers, the Map also displays the information as text.
- Click the Text Version button below the Map to view the textual listing.
- All 100 counties are listed. Counties with URL values are underlined (linked). The Title value appears below the link. Click the underlined link to open the desired URL.
- Click the Interactive Map button to return to the Map view.
Your Accessibility Responsibility
If you create a Map where counties are grouped into regions, it is easiest to do this using color. However, any information conveyed with color must also be conveyed with text. For example, if Wake County is a certain color because it is a Piedmont county, specify "Piedmont county" as part of the text.
Exporting Map Data
The Map Data can be exported to a CSV file:
- To generate a CSV file, click the Export Map Data link below the Text Version button.
Mobile Behavior
The NC Map block adapts its display for mobile devices. The map presents in three regions. These roughly equate to Mountains (western region), Piedmont (central region), and Coastal Plain (eastern region).
- Tap one of the regions to enlarge it.
Western Region (Mountains) Central Region (Piedmont) Eastern Region (Coastal Plain) - Tap the View All button to return to the original Map view.