User Accounts: Canceling or Blocking

Managing User Accounts


Web Managers can cancel user accounts or block users from accessing a website.


Web Managers

How To

  • 1

    Cancel a User Account

    Web Managers can cancel a user account with several options. 

    • Click People on the People menu.

    People menu.

    • In the table of users, select the user account to be canceled. In this example the user is D8-alert.

    Select user account name.

    • From the Action menu, select Cancel the Selected User Account(s).

    Cancel the selected user account.

    On the cancellation confirmation screen, select the desired cancellation option:

    • Disable the account and keep its content.
    • Disable the account and unpublish its content.
    • Delete the account and make its content belong to the Anonymous user.
    • Delete the account and its content.

    Account cancellation options.

    If the option Require Email Confirmation to Cancel Account is checked, the user must confirm the account cancellation via email.

    • Click Cancel Accounts.

    Cancel Accounts button.

    Note: This action cannot be undone.

  • 2

    Block a User Account

    When a Web Manager blocks a user account, the user can no longer access the website.

    Edit User Method

    • Click People on the People menu.

    People menu.

    • In the table of users, click the desired user name. In this example the user is D8-alert.

    Click user name.

    • Click the Edit tab on the user's web page.

    Edit tab.

    • On the user account page, scroll to the Status section.
    • Select Blocked.

    Blocked status.

    • Click Save at the bottom of the user account page.

    Save button.

    To unblock a user:

    • On the user account page, select Active and then click Save.

    Active status.

    Note: Blocking the user will not remove the user account from the site.

    Action Method

    • Click People on the People menu.

    People menu.

    • In the table of users, check the box beside the desired user name(s). In this example the user is D8-alert.

    Select user account name.

    • On the Action menu, choose Block the Selected User(s).

    Action menu: Block selected user.

    • Click Apply to Selected Items.

    Apply to Selected Items button.

    To unblock a user:

    • On the Action menu, choose Unblock the Selected User(s)

    Action menu: Unblock the selected user.

    • Click Apply to Selected Items.

    Apply to Selected Items button.

    Note: Blocking the user will not remove the user from the list.