Press Release

Sharing the News


The press release content type publishes a traditional news release about a new development, an announcement or other matters. 


Editors, Publishers, and Web Managers

How To

  • 1

    Create a Press Release

    To create a Press Release, navigate to:

    • Content > Add Content > Press Release.
    Press Release menu.

    Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

    • Title (*) — Enter a headline or title for the Press Release.
    Title field.
    • Main Image — Add a Main Image, if desired. The image appears above the content entered in the Page Content field (described below).
    • Click Add Media to upload an image.
    Add Media button.
    Minimum Recommended Image Sizes for Press Releases:
    Page View 1480 x 833
    Grid View 825 x 600
    • Subtitle (optional) — Enter a Subtitle, if desired. The Subtitle appears below the Title and gives more specific information about the news.
    Subtitle field.
    • Release Date — Enter the date the Press Release is published. The date appears above the main text. Enter the date manually or use the Date Picker.
    Release Date field.
    Date Picker calendar tool.
    • City / Location (*) — Enter the City or Location where the Press Release is published or where the event described takes place. The City/Location appears above the main text in the published Press Release.
    City/Location field.
    • Summary — Adding relevant terms to the Summary field helps describe the page in search results. Add up to 150 characters of descriptive text, which will not be visible on the published page.
    Summary field.

    Page Content — Use the text editor to add content, similar to using Microsoft Word.

    Page Content field.
  • 2

    Contact Information

    Expand the Contact Information section.

    Contact Information menu.
    • Contact Name — Enter the name of a person to contact with questions about the Press Release.
    • Contact Phone — Enter the contact person's phone number.
    • Contact Email — Enter the contact person's email address.
    Contact Information fields
  • 3

    Related Information

    Expand the Related Information section.

    Related Information menu.


    • Click Add Media to upload a document related to the Press Release.
    Add Media button.

    Related Content

    Provide related links, if desired.

    • URL — Enter a web address.
    Related Link URL field.
    • Link Text — Enter text for the link.
    Related Link Text field.
    • Click Add Another Item to post additional links.
    Add Another Item button
    • Click Remove Item to delete a link.
    Remove Step button.
  • 4


    • Click Save to save the page and view results.
    Save button.