Managing Content


Publish, find, save, and moderate content on the Digital Commons platform.


All users of Digital Commons sites.

How To

  • 1

    Publish a Page

    When a Page is Ready to Publish:

    • Editor  — The editor creates the content and sets the state to Needs Review. The editor then notifies the publisher that the page is ready. Note: The system does not alert publishers automatically.
    Page Status Menu - Needs Review
    • Publisher — The publisher reviews the page per the Publishing Checklist and sets the state to Published.
    Page Status Menu - Published
  • 2

    Find Content

    Navigate to the main Content page:

    Content menu.

    Search Options:

    • Enter a word or two in the Title field and press Enter.
    Title field.
    • Select a Content Type from the Content Type menu.
    Content Type menu.
    • Select a status from the Published Status menu.
    Published Status menu.
  • 3

    Save and Moderate

    States available when saving include:

    • Draft — The default state for any page. With Workbench, it is possible to create a new draft of content while the existing (published) version remains live.
    Draft menu.
    • Needs Review — The status used to signify that content is ready for publication. Pushing content from Draft to Needs Review signals that the content is ready for an authorized user to review and publish the content (or send it back to the Draft state for further revisions).
    Page Status Menu - Needs Review
    • Published — In the Published state, the content is visible to any public, unauthenticated site visitor.
    Page Status Menu - Published

    Each role experiences these states differently:

    • Editors can save content as Draft or Needs Review.
    • Publishers can move content from Draft to Needs Review and then to Published.
    • Site Managers and Site Admins can move content directly from Draft to Published.