Digital Commons Website Support

Request Support or Report a Bug

Tab/Accordion Items

Creators, Editors, and Publishers

Please contact your agency Web Manager who can submit a support request, if needed. 

Web Managers

  1. Complete the Digital Commons Website Support request form in ServiceNow. You must have an NCID
  2. Fill in all form fields. Required fields are indicated with a red asterisk (*). The form is responsive and the required fields change to reflect the information needed for the type of request you select. 
  3. Select the Type of Request from the drop-down menu:
    • Add a Web Manager
    • Broken Item/Bug
    • Acquia Optimize (Formerly Monsido)
    • Seeking New Website
    • Webform/Views Help
    • Website Analytics
    • Other
  4. Select your Agency from the drop-down menu. 
  5. Provide a detailed description of your request, including URLs and screenshots. Please be specific.
  6. Click the blue Submit button on the right side of the screen.


After you submit a request in ServiceNow:

  1. You receive a confirmation email with a ticket number. At the same time, ServiceNow notifies our team of your request.
  2. Our team triages request tickets as they come in. A team member will reach out to you right away to acknowledge your request and give you an idea of what to expect. 
  3. Your ticket is assigned to an available team member who will fulfill or investigate your request. 


How long does it take to resolve my request?

  • Straightforward requests are quickly resolved; often right away, but at most within 24 hours.
  • Some requests require triage and assigning an available and appropriate support professional to address the ticket. You will be updated throughout this process.
  • Some requests require research; you will be updated as your request is explored.
  • Complex bugs or fixes are handled through our AGILE software development process and are added to Jira, our software development planning system. Our developers work in 3-week intervals of focused work called sprints


Only if your agency website is down, bypass Service Now and email Digital Solutions at

Our Platform is Continually Improving

SPARK Channel

Have a great idea for a way to improve the platform? Want a new feature that you think will benefit the larger community? We're listening! Submit your idea in the Digital Commons Content Ninjas team via the SPARK Channel. 

SPARK Channel location in the Digital Commons Content Ninjas team in Microsoft Teams
Location of the SPARK Channel in the Digital Commons Content Ninjas Team for Web Managers.

Sprint Review 

We offer a briefing for Web Managers every three weeks. Join us as we present to you:

  • the latest platform enhancements 
  • a preview of improvements under development
  • updates on more complex activities
View Embed
Next Sprint Review