Analytics Dashboards

Traffic data for all websites hosted on the NC Digital Commons platform. Each link opens a dashboard that provides analytics overview for that website based on Google Analytics data. All dashboards open in a new window. 

Looker Studio Analytics for Digital Commons Websites Dashboard
Administration Dashboard
Administrative Hearings Dashboard
Adult Correction Dashboard
African American Heritage Commission Dashboard
Agriculture & Consumer Services Dashboard
Albemarle-Pamlico National Estuary Partnership Dashboard
Alcoholic Beverage Control Dashboard
America 250 NC Dashboard
American Indian Heritage Commission Dashboard
Archaeology Dashboard
Arts Council Dashboard
Auctioneer Licensing Dashboard
Auditor Dashboard
Board of Barber & Electrolysis Examinors Dashboard
Board of Elections Dashboard
Broadband Infrastructure Office Dashboard
Budget and Management Dashboard
Commerce Dashboard
Commissioner of Banks Dashboard
COVID-19 Response Dashboard
Cyber Security Response Force Dashboard
Digital Commons Support Dashboard
Digital Commons Training - internal use only
Employment Security Dashboard
Environmental Education Dashboard
Environmental Justice Hub Dashboard
Environmental Quality Dashboard
eProcurement Dashboard
Ethics Commission Dashboard
Financial Literacy Council Dashboard
Fire Marshal Dashboard
Governor Dashboard
Green Book of the Carolinas Dashboard
Health and Human Services Dashboard
Health Information Exchange Authority Dashboard
Health Plan Dashboard
Health Services Benefits- Medicaid Dashboard
Historic Sites Dashboard
Historic Preservation Office Dashboard
Hometown Strong Dashboard
Human Resources Dashboard
Information Technology Dashboard
Innovation Council Dashboard
IT Services Dashboard
Insurance Dashboard
Labor Dashboard
Land and Water Fund Dashboard
Lieutenant Governor Dashboard
Longitudinal Data Service Dashboard
Military and Veterans Affairs Dashboard
Museum of History Dashboard
Museum of the Albemarle Dashboard
Museum of the Cape Fear Dashboard
Mountain Gateway Museum Dashboard
Music Office Dashboard
National Guard Dashboard
Natural and Cultural Resources Dashboard
Natural Heritage Program Dashboard
NC ABLE Dashboard
NC CASH Dashboard
NC PRO Dashboard
ORBIT-MyNCRetirement Dashboard
Our NC Military Dashboard
Parks & Recreation Dashboard
Public Health Dashboard
Public Instruction Dashboard
Public Safety Dashboard
Public Staff Dashboard
Queen Anne's Revenge Dashboard
Ready NC Dashboard
Rebuild NC Dashboard
Resilience Exchange Dashboard
Retirement Systems Dashboard
Revenue Dashboard
Roanoke Island Festival Park Dashboard
Safety and Health Review Commission Dashboard
State Archives Dashboard
State Controller Dashboard
State Library Dashboard
Trails Dashboard
Treasurer Dashboard
Website & Social Media Archiving Dashboard
Western North Carolina Recovery Dashboard
Wildlife Resources Commission Dashboard

This page was last modified on 03/11/2025