How To Outline a Process with the How To Content Type
Planning and Considerations
Desired Outcomes
Your How To page should lead the follower in incremental steps towards completing a specific task. Before you begin building a How To page, be sure to identify and understand the desired outcome of the process. Consider these questions:
- What are my website visitors trying to do?
Example: Visitors want to apply for an agency program. - What do I want the website visitor to do?
Example: I want visitors to submit a complete application by the deadline. - What kinds of problems tend to occur in this process?
Example: Visitors fail to submit required documentation.
Gather and Organize Information
Understanding the desired outcome will help you gather the relevant information, contacts, links and resources necessary for a website visitor to successfully complete the process.
After gathering this information, thoughtfully order the steps and chunk related information together. Large steps can be broken into multiple steps or subdivided to be more user-friendly. If you need help with the content of your process, help is available in these areas:
AccordionTab/Accordion ItemsWrite for your audience's needs in plain and direct language. Not sure where to begin? Use a tool to help simplify your writing, such as the Hemingway Editor, and consider our Writing for the Web training.
Our team includes Digital Strategists who can help you learn who your website visitors are and why they visit your website. Consult us for help with understanding analytics, to arrange website usability testing, and to access our tools for Website Quality Assurance and Accessibility Monitoring.
An outdated or inefficient process can be frustrating for you to describe and even more difficult for your website visitors to follow. NCDIT’s Process Improvement team can help you smooth out a convoluted process.
- What are my website visitors trying to do?
Create a How To Page
New Content Types are created using the Content menu in your toolbar. To create a new How To, navigate to: Content > Add Content > How To.
The Create How To page opens. Begin filling out the form. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
- Title (*) - Enter the page name here. Include important keywords in the title to improve the search results. The optimal title length is less than 60 characters, including spaces.
Example: How To Page
- Subtitle (optional) - The Subtitle appears below the Title. Use this field to give more specific information about the Title or subject.
Example: Content Type for Ordering the Steps in a Process
- Summary - Briefly describe the contents of the How To. The Summary appears in search engine results with the link. Provide a Summary to enhance Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
Example: Help me create a How To page on the Digital Commons platform.
Note: When left blank, the Summary field uses an excerpt from the Page Content as the summary.
- Short Introduction - Enter a short description or overview of the topic, which will appear above the step-by-step instructions.
Example: "Summary- The How To content type is a page..."
Placement of the Title, Subtitle, and Short Introduction on a published How To page. - Title (*) - Enter the page name here. Include important keywords in the title to improve the search results. The optimal title length is less than 60 characters, including spaces.
Add Steps
Expand the Steps section.
- Process Title (*) - Enter a title for the process explained by the Steps. Example: How to [Task].
Numbered Steps
- Step Title - The Step Title displays in bold as the name of the numbered Step.
- Step Details - Enter instructions for this step of the process in the Text Editor. Provide relevant links, resources, or images that will help the website visitor complete this step. Specify what must be collected or accomplished before moving on to the next Step.
Step-Related Link (optional)
To add a Step-Related Link, populate the fields for URL and Link Text. Step-Related Links appear at the bottom of the Step.
- URL - Enter a web address.
- Link Text - Enter text for the link.
Add an Accordion, if desired. The Tabs/Accordion paragraph component is a useful for subdividing lengthy steps into smaller segments. (See Step 1 above for an example.)
Add Step
Select the Add Step button to add the next step in the process. Repeat the process described above in Steps 2-3, and continue adding steps until the process is completely outlined.
Contact Information
Optional: Expand the Contact Information Section.
- Contact Agency - Enter the name of the agency site visitors can contact.
- Contact Website
- URL - Enter a web address.
- Link Text - Enter text for the link.
- Contact Email - Enter an email address.
- Contact Phone - Enter a phone number.
- Contact Hours - Specify the contact hours.
Contact Address
If you do not need to provide a Contact Address, proceed to the Additional Information or Details section.
If you do need to to provide a Contact Address, expand the Contact Address section:
- Country - Select United States from the Country menu. New fields are now required. Provide the full address to generate Google Maps directions to the location:
- Location Name - Enter a name for the location.
- Street Address (*) - Enter a street address.
- City (*) - Enter the City name.
- State (*) - Select a State from the menu.
- Zip Code (*) - Enter a Zip Code.
Additional Information or Details
Add additional information, if desired. Text entered here appears at the bottom of the How To page.
Related Information
Resources provided in the Related Information Section appear near the top of the page next to Step 1 .
If desired, expand the Related Information section.
- Provide Related Links Files for the Steps.
Related Links
- URL - Enter a web address.
- Link Text - Enter text for the link.
- Click Add Another Item to post additional links
Related Files
- Click the Related File(s) button to upload a related file.
Example: The Related Links are placed on the right side of the page beside Step 1 of your How To process. -
Remove a Step
To remove an existing Step, select the Remove button for that step and Confirm Removal. Example: Remove Step Titled "Add an Icon."
Reorder Steps
Infographic: Lighter weights (negative numbers) float to the top. Heavier weights (positive numbers) sink to the bottom. Steps can be rearranged either by drag-and-drop or by using row weights.
Row Weight Method
- To Reorder Steps, click Show Row Weights (if not already selected).
- Scroll down and choose a number from the weight menu. Select a number for each Step to determine the order in which they will display.
- Long steps are reordered more easily with row weights.
Note: To bring an item closer to the top, assign it a lower number.
Above: Show or Hide row weights with the toggle link at the top right of the Numbered Steps section. Drag and Drop Method
- Click Hide Row Weights (if not already selected).
- Click and drag the handlebars to the left of the Step to move it up or down.
Example: This step, titled "Create a How To Page," is selected and ready to be dragged up or down to reorder the steps of the process. -
Save often as you work on your content to avoid losing work due to timing out or navigating away from the page.
Current State: Displays the current status of the Content Type and whether or not it is available to the public.
Change to: The state you want the content to be in the next time you select the Save button.
- Draft - All new content types are in Draft State by default. This state allows you to continually edit and save your work before it is made available to the public.
- Needs Review - Editors may save as Needs Review when they are finished working and want a Publisher or Web Manager to publish the content.
- Published - This content is available to the public. Only a Publisher or Web Manager can choose this state.
- Unpublished - This content was available to the public at one time, but is not now. Only a Publisher or Web Manager can choose this state.
Delete: Deleted Content Types cannot be recovered. If you may need this content again in the future, it is best to change the state to Unpublished.
Save content as Published to make available to the public.