Adding Links to Menus
Planning and Considerations
All menus should be thoughtfully planned to chunk related information together according to the website visitor's needs. Take care to thoughtfully organize menus, create links, and name page Titles as they impact multiple areas on your website and webpages:
- URL in the address bar of the browser
- Breadcrumb trail on each page
- Main Menu and Right Rail Menu
Instructions by Menu
AccordionTab/Accordion ItemsLocation
The Utility Menu is the uppermost menu on your website and is in line with the text that reads, "An official website of the State of North Carolina." Menu links appear next to the globe icon for the Select Language feature. The menu uses light colored text against the dark background color from your website's Color Palette.
The Utility Menu on has a dark blue background with white text. In this example, the Utility Menu links are State Organizations, Directory, Jobs, etc. Uses
Suggested uses for the Utility Menu include providing a link to or affiliated agencies, divisions, or departments.
To add a Content Type to the Utility Menu:
- Edit the Content Type you want to add or move.
- Navigate to the Sidebar Panel as shown on the right.
- Expand the Menu Settings tab.
- Check the box to Provide a Menu Link.
- Enter the Menu Link Title. It should match the Title you provided for the page, but can be shortened for very long page titles.
- The Parent Link is <Main Menu> by default. Use the drop-down menu to change the Parent Link to <Utility Menu>
- Save the Content Type.
The Main Menu is located across the top of your website in line with your logo image. It sits beneath the Utility Menu and above the Main Image and Page Title. Menu links appear next to the magnifying glass icon for the Search feature. The menu uses dark colored text against a light background. When you select a Main Menu link (also called a parent), a menu of subordinate (or child) pages appears. The selected menu item is indicated by a secondary color from your website's Color Palette.
The Main Menu is the most essential navigation feature of your website. When you use it to categorize your website content under major topics and organize related information within these sections, it helps visitors better understand your content.
To add a Content Type to the Main Menu:
- Edit the Content Type you want to add.
- Navigate to the Sidebar Panel as shown on the right.
- Expand the Menu Settings tab.
- Check the box to Provide a Menu Link.
- Enter the Menu Link Title. It should match the Title you provided for the page, but can be shortened for very long page titles.
- The Parent Link is <Main Menu> by default.
- Select the appropriate menu path from the dropdown.
Example: --Working - Continue nesting the page into the menu structure under the correct sections, as needed.
Example: ----State Employees & Departments -----Digital Accessibility - Menu links are ordered alphabetically by default. To rearrange the link order:
- Enter a number in the Weight field to assign a weight. Menu links with lower numbers (i.e., lighter weights) float to the top of the list to display before links with higher numbers (i.e., heavier weights.) Weights are relative to one another.
- Save and publish the Content Type. The page is added to:
- the Main Menu
- the Right Rail
- the Breadcrumb
Example: Home > Working > For State Employees & Departments > Digital Accessibility > Headings
- It is best to add the Content Type to the menu when you initially create it.
- If you add a Content Type in the menu, then later move the content within the menu structure, a URL redirect is automatically created. This redirect points traffic going to the old location to the new location, similar to a forwarding address at the post office.
- If you delete a parent, its children in the menu structure will be promoted upwards in the menu.
- Gaps in the menu structure can lead to visitors receiving an error message stating, "The website encountered an unexpected error. Try again later."
Unique Navigation Feature of Site Pages
The On this Page navigation feature is unique to Site Pages and only applies to text on the same page that is styled with Heading 2.
Unique Navigation Feature of Site Pages
Site Pages have a navigation menu on the right side of the page called the right rail. The right rail menu displays the Site Page in context of its parent and any children. You create this context when you follow these steps to add pages to the Main Menu.
The Contact Us Block can be placed in the Footer Menu that displays at the foot of each page. You can control whether the block displays in the left, middle, or right column of the footer.
Information to Provide
You should be sure to provide the:
- Name of your department
- Physical Address
- Mailing Address
- Phone Number
- Fax Number
- Relevant email addresses
- Support or Help information
Blocks must be placed in the Block Layout to display in the Footer Menu.
The Follow Us Block can be placed in the Footer Menu that displays at the foot of each page. You can control whether the block displays in the left, middle, or right column of the footer.
Supported Social Media Platforms
Paste the URL to your department's social media account in the appropriate URL field and Save the block. The link and corresponding icon are added to the block. The following platforms are supported:
- X (formerly Twitter)
- Threads
- Flickr
- YouTube
- Medium
- Feed
Blocks must be placed in the Block Layout to display in the Footer Menu.