How To
Create Profile
New Content Types are created using the Content menu in your toolbar. To create a new Profile, navigate to Content > Add Content > Profile.
Begin filling out the form. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required:
- Full Name (*) — Enter a name to be used as the title of this content. For example, first and last names, organization name, or any other name. (In this example, Teena Piccione).
- Job Title — Enter the individual's job title. (In this example, Secretary & State Chief Information Officer).
The Full Name and Job Title appear to the right of the Profile Image.
- Full Name (*) — Enter a name to be used as the title of this content. For example, first and last names, organization name, or any other name. (In this example, Teena Piccione).
- Click Add Media to add an image to the Profile Card.
In the Add or Select Media dialog box that appears, you may select a file that is already in the library by scrolling down to find the file, or more likely, you will want to add a file to the library to select for the profile.
In the former case, simply scroll down to find the file, select it, and click Save and Insert.
In the latter, more usual case, scroll to the top of the dialog box to find the button to Select Files, as shown below. (In this example, Teena Piccione, DIT Secretary & State Chief Information Officer is used).
- Image files must be 256 MB or less.
- Allowed image file types include .png, .gif, .jpg, and .jpeg.
After clicking the Select Files button, a standard dialog box will appear for the selection of a file from your machine. Only one file may be selected. After selecting the file, the following partial dialog box will appear:
If the scrollbar does not appear on the right, moving the mouse cursor to that right-most area will make it appear. The following will appear in the lower half of the dialog.
- Alternative Text — Enter a short description of the image used by screen readers and displayed when the image is not loaded. This is important for Accessibility. In this example, the image description was, "Portrait of Teena Piccione."
- Checkbox for Decorative Image. Leave this unchecked.
Scroll to the bottom of the dialog box and the following will appear:
- Name (*) — The name referenced here is the name of the file, not the name of the person. The file must have a name to be saved, and it defaults to the name that the file had on the machine it was uploaded from. This will normally be fine, but it can be changed if necessary. If the name of the file (before the extension) is not the same as the name of the person, you may wish to change it to that. Do not change the file extension.
- Leave the Show in Media Library and Published options checked.
- A URL Alias is not required.
- Click Save and Insert as shown.
Summary and Biography
- Summary — Enter a summary of the individual's biography, if this is desired. If no summary is entered, the system will use a trimmed value of the full biography as the summary.
- Biography — Enter the individual's full biography in the Text Editor.
Contact Information
- Phone Number — Enter the individual's phone number.
- Email Address — Enter the individual's email address.
- Address — Enter the individual's full address. This is not required, but if desired, click the Country dropdown and select United States.
Full Address
After expanding the Address menu by by clicking on Country and selecting United States, the remainder of the address fields will appear, as shown below.
- Location Name — Enter a Location Name, if desired.
- Street Address — Enter a physical address for the Profile subject.
- City — Enter the City name.
- State — Choose a State from the dropdown menu.
- Zip Code — Enter the Zip Code.
The Contact Information and Address appear to the right of the Profile Image.
- Click Save, at the bottom of the Edit page, to save the page and view the Profile.
- To Publish your work so that it will be accessible to all, click the Save as: dropdown and select Publish. Otherwise the default on a new profile page is Draft. To view your work before saving it as it would appear if it were published, click Preview.