Statistic Card

Plain or Animated


Statistic Cards provide a count figure and can be plain or animated.

Example Statistic Card

Statistic Card


Website Managers can create Statistic Cards. Publishers can edit existing cards.

How To

  • 1

    Edit Landing Page

    •  Open and edit a Landing Page.
    • Under Bands, edit the appropriate Band (in this example, a 3-column Band).

    Band selection.

    • Choose the column where the Statistic Card will be placed (in this example, Right).

    Column selection.

    • Under Child Paragraph, choose Add Statistic Card.

    Add Statistic Card.

  • 2

    Populate Card Fields

     Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

    1. Top Title — Adds a title above the Statistic Card.
    2. Statistic Value (*) — Enter a value. The figure must be an integer or decimal value if Animation Counter is selected. To use animation, the Statistic Value field must be an integer or decimal without commas.
    3. Statistic Prefix — For example, $ (dollar sign).
    4. Statistic Suffix — For example, K (as in 100K to denote 100 thousand).
    5. Title (*) — The Title appears below the figure. (In this example, "Amount Raised").
    6. Description — The Description appears below the Title. (In this example, "In Fiscal Year 2021-2022").

    Top Title field.

    Statistic Card fields.

  • 3

    Plain Statistic Card

    To have a plain Statistic Card with no animation:

    • Under Animation, choose None (the default position).

    No animation.

  • 4

    Animated Statistic Card

    To animate the Statistic Card:

    •  Under Animation, choose Counter.
    • Counter Duration — Enter the number of seconds for the animation figure. To use animation, the Statistic Value field must be an integer or decimal without commas.

    Animation Counter and Duration.


  • 5

    Additional Text

    •  Text — Text entered here appears below the text entered in the Description field.

    Text field.

  • 6


    Colors used in the Statistic Card depend on the website's default color palette.