Large Data Tables


Upload and remove large spreadsheets in the Data Table content type.


Editors, Publishers, Site Managers, and Site Admins.


In the past, very large data tables became uneditable. Once uploaded, they could no longer be changed or downloaded. This new feature allows you to upload large tables, download them, and remove/replace them.

You will not be able to edit the large data table on the website, but you can download it, make the changes in Excel, and upload it to the website, replacing the original.

A "large" data table contains 1,000 or more cells.

For example, a table of 18 rows and 6 columns contains 108 cells and can be uploaded in the usual way. A table of 280 rows and 6 columns contains 1,680 cells, and should be uploaded with the new feature.


1. Create a CSV table to upload. Make sure it is "Comma Separated Values," not "CSV UTF-8."

CSV format

2. Create the Data Table by selecting "Add Content" in the toolbar, and choosing "Data Table."

3. If the table contains fewer than 1,000 cells, use the regular way of uploading, with the "Import from CSV" button.

Import from CSV

4. If the table is larger than 1,000 cells, scroll down to the "Large Data Table" section.

Large data table section

5. Use the "Browse…" field to locate the file, then click the Upload button.

Upload button

6. There is no preview of the table, but you will see the table name. This means it was successfully uploaded.

no preview

7. When you Save the Data Table, you'll see the table on the page.

The table on the page

Making Changes to the Table

1. Export the table to your computer so you can edit it.

Export the table

2. Remove the table with the Remove button.

Remove button

3. Upload the corrected table from your computer.
