The purpose of personas is to create reliable and realistic representations of key audience segments to help us understand our customers, their behaviors and information needs.
These representations should be based on user research and web analytics.
Data Sources
- Google Analytics data for 2020-2021 Demographics
- Popular pages
- Top search terms
- Devices
- NC Population Highlights 2021, State Demographer of North Carolina
- Suburban Stats, Current Population Demographics and Statistics for North Carolina by age, gender.
NC Population Trends 2020
- Rapidly Growing - 10% Total Population growth in 2019 vs 2010, with 41.9% of Total population grown belongs to 65+.
- Millennial - Median age in North Carolina in 2020 is 37 years old, with more than half population under 40 years old.
- Diversifying - 38% of North Carolinians are Black, Hispanic, Asian, American Indian, or multiracial.
- Aging - By 2028, the State Demographer projects that one in five North Carolinians will be at least 65 years old.
- Urban - 66 % of NC residents lived in an urban area in 2010.
- Veterans - North Carolina has more veterans than the national average: 7.9% versus 6.9% nationwide.
- Active Duty- North Carolina has 5th-highest share of military personnel among the 50 states.
- Tourist Attraction - In 2019, approximately 48 million person-trips were taken in North Carolina and the state ranked #6 in the US in terms of domestic visitation.
- People with Disabilities- In North Carolina more than 14% adults have disabilities, including cognitive and visual impairment.
David Bryant
David comes from a military and understands in this field of duty. He works irregular hours and is often summoned to his base. David is married to a teacher and has a two year-old daughter. While off duty. he likes to spend time with friends and family.
"Military families are often on the move. Knowing my family has support, helps us settle into new areas."

Age: 28
Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian
Occupation: Military
Income: $30,000
Location: Jacksonville
Goals & Needs
- Wants to find a military-family support network.
- Needs to find after school care and summer camps for kids.
- Looking for employment opportunities for the spouse.
Pain Points
- Needs affordable childcare.
- Concerned about school safety for his kids.
- Concerned about broadband connectivity in rural area.
- Find high-speed internet option in his area.
- Learning > Summer Camps
- Find summer camp for kids.
- Find employment opportunity for spouse with educational degree.
- Working > Finding A Job > TeachNC Job Board
Marla Miller
Marla is Waccamaw-Siouan and lives in a rural tribal community. She is looking for a job but finding it difficult. Due to a traumatic brain injury (TBI), she must relearn some things but she works hard and performs well. Marla does not like unclear or inconsistent information and really dislikes it when content is without any structure.
"I've never had a full-time job but I'm looking forward to having some independence."

Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: American Indian
Occupation: N/A
Income: N/A
Location: Cherokee
Goals & Needs
- Needs to find employment and help with writing a resume and a cover letter.
- Looking for resources available American Indians.
- Needs information to be clear and easy to understand, aiming for a middle school reading level, which is 6-8 grade.
Pain Points (Low Literacy)
- Doesn't have access to the Internet at home.
- No experience in writing a successful cover letter or resume.
- Has trouble comprehending processes that involve steps.
- Finding job-hunting and help with writing resume.
- Working > Finding A Job >
- Looking for resources available for American Indians.
- Living > Health & Social Services > American Indians
- Find resources and job opportunities for people with disabilities.
- Living > Health & Social Services > Employment Services for People with Disabilities
Karen McDongle
Karen is single and has just moved to NC to start a new job. Karen needs to register her car, as well as, update her drivers license and her voter registration. She works as a receptionist and is pretty competent using a PC accessing the Internet daily.
"I love being here. People come here from all over."

Age: 39
Gender: Female
Race: Caucasian
Occupation: Receptionist
Income: $40,000
Location: Raleigh
Goals & Needs
- Needs to update her driver's license and vehicle organization
- Needs to register to vote. Would like to do this ASAP to be able to vote in the up-coming election.
Pain Points
- Works weekdays so has very limited time to go to in-person appointments.
- Gets frustration easily and usually needs to speak to a manager.
- Find information about updating driver license online.
- Living > Transportation > Driving & Motor Vehicles
- Find information about vehicle registration online
- Living > Transportation > Driving & Motor Vehicles > Vehicles Titles & Registration
- Find information about register to vote.
- Living > Voting > Voter Registration
Denise Manor
Denise is a single parent and wants to relocate to the Triangle area where her daughter is attending college. Denise does not know know anyone living in the area. She plans to find a job, relocate to temporary housing and ultimately a home.
"I'm really excited about relocating to Raleigh. I hear they are passionate about their college sports and I cannot wait to plant some roots!"

Age: 40
Gender: Female
Race: African American
Occupation: Tech Professional
Income: $80,000
Location: Fairfax, VA
Goals & Needs
- Securing a job with a medium to large IT firm that provides good work/life balance.
- Purchasing a home close to parks & recreation with less than a 20-minute commute.
- Needs to find all new doctors and medical facilities.
- Interested in continuing her education.
Pain Points
- Finding a work while living in another state.
- Finding temporary housing sight unseen.
- Establishing new medical care.
- Find a job in the Raleigh area.
- Working > Finding a Job > State of North Carolina jobs
- File information about living in the Raleigh area.
- Living > Housing & Property > Housing > Affordable Housing
- Find medical care information
- Living > Health & Social Services > Health & Safety > Healthcare
- Find information about continuing education
- Learning > Higher Education
Sally Burns
Sally is a retiree who loves the NC mountains and staying active. Sally is an active member of a book club and friends of the park communities. She is looking for opportunities to contribute more to her community. Staying healthy and finding affordable trusted medical care is also important, Sally wants wants to remain independent at home.
"I love being active and contributing to my local community."

Age: 70
Gender: Female
Race: Asian
Occupation: Retired Teacher
Income: $30,000
Location: Boone
Goals & Needs
- Wants to find volunteer opportunities and events in nearby state parks.
- Would like to find what senior citizen benefits or discounts might be available to her.
- Looking for options for in-network providers and lower out-of-pocket costs.
Pain Points (Low Vision)
- Not the most tech savvy.
- Problems with websites that have zoom disabled.
- Trouble with websites that have fixed pixel size.
- Need visibility options for content.
- Find information on events and programs at state parks in her area.
- Exploring > Parks & Recreation > State Parks
- Find information on any senior citizen benefits or discounts
- Living > Health & Social Services > Health & Safety > Seniors
- Looking to find in-network provides and lower out-of-pocket medical costs.
Dawain Johnson
Dawain and his wife run a successful coffee shop in downtown Durham. They are looking to expand hours and offer desserts, as well as, alcoholic nightcaps. Dawain is computer literate and has access to the internet but as a small business owner, he is often pressed for time or exhausted!
"My wife and I are always looking for ways to grow our business."

Age: 28
Gender: Male
Race: African American
Occupation: Owner
Income: $65,000
Location: Durham
Goals & Needs
- Needs to apply for a license to serve alcohol.
- Needs to pay business taxes online.
- Looking for information on employee safety requirements.
Pain Points
- Not sure where to start.
- Looking to grow his business to support future family needs.
- Apply for alcohol license and/or permits.
- Working > Professional Licenses & Permits > Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission (ABC Permit)
- Pay business taxes online.
- Working > Taxes > Employer Insurance Tax
- Find Information on employee safety requirements.
- Working > Workers' Rights & Safety > Occupational Safety & Health
Jeremy Smith
Jeremy is a high school senior New York City who was just accepted at Duke University. He will be studying Business Administration. This is Jeremy's first time away from home. He does not drive and plans to live on campus.
"I'm excited about going to college and being on my own for the first time."

Age: 17
Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian
Occupation: N/A
Income: N/A
Location: NYC
Goals & Needs
- Wants to learn about grants and scholarship programs to help pay for college.
- Needs to research public transportation close to Duke since he does not drive.
- Wants to find possible internships opportunities.
Pain Points
- Being able to afford college.
- Getting around without a car.
- Balancing school, social life, and possible internships or other opportunities.
- Find public transportation information.
- Living > Transportation > Public Transportation
- Find information on available internships.
- Working > Finding a Job > NC Internship Program (Youth Development)
- Find grants and funding opportunities to help with college costs.
John Manning
John is recently laid off unexpectedly due to Covid and needs to access unemployment benefits within month or two. He needs to support his family of three financially. pay bills and afford necessities. He is very worried about the long term financial stability of his family if he is unable to secure employment benefits or find new job.
"I had never been unemployed before."

Age: 30
Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian
Occupation: IT Specialist
Income: N/A
Location: Charlotte
Goals & Needs
- Needs to apply for unemployment.
- Needs to search for jobs close to home.
- Looking for temporary job opportunities to get back into workforce fast.
Pain Points
- High degree of uncertainty about the future, worried about family health insurance.
- Feels a lot of pressure due to unstable financial situation in time of pandemic.
- Unable to reach the Employment Security Commission by phone due to high call volume.
- Find information on how and where to file for unemployment.
- Working > Unemployment
- Find information about jobs available in the area.
- Working > Finding A Job
- Find information about temporary jobs nearby.
- Find available counseling options.
- Living > Health & Social Services > Health & Safety > Support & Counseling
Sam Sawyer
Sam is a retired army veteran who remains active in the National Guard. His active duties include weekend training once a month as well as two weeks a year away from home. Sam recently moved back to his hometown and is interested in starting an It-related business.
"So many things have changed in my life. I'm looking for stability."

Age: 32
Gender: Male
Race: African American
Occupation: IT Technician
Income: $45,000
Location: Brevard
Goals & Needs
- Would like to start a local business but not sure how to start.
- Wondering if there are any special incentives for veteran-owned businesses.
- Wants to keep up-to-date with technology and obtain IT certification.
Pain Points
- Limited on funds and looking for affordable certification.
- Rural location limits Internet connectivity options.
- Find information on how to start a business.
- Working > Starting a Business
- Find information on any special incentives for veterans.
- Living > Health & Social Services > For Veterans
- Find information on State-provided learning opportunities.
- Learning > Professional Training & Career Development
Reuben Sepulveda
Reuben plans to visit Raleigh in September to attend an Eagles concert with friends. He also wants to take a couple of day trips while in the area. One of his traveling companions is in a wheelchair.
"Looking forward to a nice and enjoyable weekend getaway to North Carolina."

Age: 45
Gender: Male
Race: Hispanic
Occupation: Professor
Income: $95,000
Location: Chicago
Goals & Needs
- Wants to take a couple day trips within a 2-hour drive from Raleigh.
- All trips must accommodate a wheelchair-bound friend.
- Finding accessible, hiking trails, kayaking or train ride would be desirable.
Pain Points (Accessible Access)
- Limited in distance; wants to avoid long drives.
- Wants to make sure all activities are accessible.
- Find points of interest in the area within a 2-hour drive.
- Exploring > Arts & Cultures
- Find out about accessibility of the points of interest.
- Living > Health & Social Services > Disability & Special Needs
- Find recreation activities in the area.
- Exploring > Parks & Recreation