VRT Carousels

This page displays the different varieties of Carousel available on the Digital Commons platform. It serves as a baseline for visual regression testing when code is deployed to the platform. Note that not every combination shown is desirable or a best practice.

Container, Letterbox, 2 slides, autoplay


Container, Widescreen, 2 slides


Container, Widescreen, 2 slides, 1 hidden

If the first slide is hidden, none show unless manual navigation is used.


Container, Widescreen, 2 slides, 1 hidden


Container, Widescreen (Default)


Container, Widescreen (Default), no fields


Container, Letterbox, 1 slide


Full width, Widescreen


Container, Widescreen (Default), background image full bleed


Some white space

Full-width, Widescreen. Slide and background image both full bleed


Some white space

Container, Widescreen (Default), background image with no image style


Padding Tests id=#B12

No Top/Bottom Padding

In your world you can create anything you desire. You can create anything that makes you happy. See how easy it is to create a little tree right in your world.

The shadows are just like the highlights, but we're going in the opposite direction. You can spend all day playing with mountains. I'll go over the colors one more time that we use: Titanium white, Phthalo green, Prussian blue, Van Dyke brown, Alizarin crimson, Sap green, Cad yellow, and Permanent red.

Small Top/Bottom Padding

In your world you can create anything you desire. You can create anything that makes you happy. See how easy it is to create a little tree right in your world.

The shadows are just like the highlights, but we're going in the opposite direction. You can spend all day playing with mountains. I'll go over the colors one more time that we use: Titanium white, Phthalo green, Prussian blue, Van Dyke brown, Alizarin crimson, Sap green, Cad yellow, and Permanent red.

Medium Top/Bottom Padding

In your world you can create anything you desire. You can create anything that makes you happy. See how easy it is to create a little tree right in your world.

The shadows are just like the highlights, but we're going in the opposite direction. You can spend all day playing with mountains. I'll go over the colors one more time that we use: Titanium white, Phthalo green, Prussian blue, Van Dyke brown, Alizarin crimson, Sap green, Cad yellow, and Permanent red.

Large Top/Bottom Padding

In your world you can create anything you desire. You can create anything that makes you happy. See how easy it is to create a little tree right in your world.

The shadows are just like the highlights, but we're going in the opposite direction. You can spend all day playing with mountains. I'll go over the colors one more time that we use: Titanium white, Phthalo green, Prussian blue, Van Dyke brown, Alizarin crimson, Sap green, Cad yellow, and Permanent red.