VRT How To Example

A long description of the service can go in this Subtitle field
Man in suit, in modern office building
This is the caption for the photo of man in suit.

This page displays a How To available on the Digital Commons platform. It serves as a baseline for visual regression testing when code is deployed to the platform. 

Note that not every example shown is desirable or a best practice.

Donec laoreet aliquam libero, a tempor nulla ullamcorper et. Nullam scelerisque vel nisi in aliquam. Nunc hendrerit quis lorem a pulvinar. Morbi laoreet et justo vitae congue. Nam egestas nisi et mollis iaculis.

Writing step-by-step instructions

  • 1

    Gather needed information

    Assemble all the information and data you need to write clear instructions.

    Hikers on a rock outcropping with view of distant hills

    A link to another page could go here.


    What information?

    Tab/Accordion Items

    Determine the measurements of your project.

    • Millimeters
    • Pounds
    • Grams
    • Hectares
    • Gallons

    Assemble your team and make sure they know their roles.

    What outside resources will your team need?

    1. Google
    2. DIT website
    3. Google Maps
  • 2

    Make the page

    Create a How To page and put the information in it.

    This is a link to the front page

Additional information could go here.