VRT Blog Example with a title field that is long enough to wrap to two lines
Subtitle for Blog

Summary field. This page displays the Blog available on the Digital Commons platform. It serves as a baseline for visual regression testing when code is deployed to the platform. Note that not every combination shown is desirable or a best practice.

Author: Marla

Page Content field. This page displays the Blog available on the Digital Commons platform. It serves as a baseline for visual regression testing when code is deployed to the platform. Note that not every combination shown is desirable or a best practice.

As part of our quality control processes, we regularly perform visual regression testing (VRT). A visual regression test checks what the site visitor will see after any code changes have been executed, by comparing screenshots taken before and after the code changes. 

The pages in this section are meant to display all (or most) of the combinations possible, for items like Article Cards, bands with different numbers of columns, on-site and off-site links, etc. Because they display all combinations, some of them represent undesirable uses—these pages shouldn't be seen as examples of what to do. Some are definitely what NOT to do. They are useful to platform users to see what is possible, what works well, and what is possible but doesn't work well.

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