Man in suit, in modern office building
Inline small image, align left

This page displays the Site Page available on the Digital Commons platform. It serves as a baseline for visual regression testing when code is deployed to the platform. Note that not every combination shown is desirable or a best practice.

As part of our quality control processes, we regularly perform visual regression testing (VRT). A visual regression test checks what the site visitor will see after any code changes have been executed, by comparing screenshots taken before and after the code changes.  

Woman in business suit in an office, coworkers in the background
Inline medium image, align right

The pages in this section are meant to display all (or most) of the combinations possible. Because they display all combinations, some of them represent undesirable uses—these pages shouldn't be seen as examples of what to do. They are useful to platform users to see what is possible, what works well, and what is possible but doesn't work well. Example of internal link in a text paragraph. Example of external link in a text paragraph.

id=#iS Inline small image, align center. In eu leo tempus, condimentum dolor non, tincidunt nunc. 

Man in suit, in modern office building
Inline small image, align center.

id=#iM Inline medium image, align center. In eu leo tempus, condimentum dolor non, tincidunt nunc. 

Woman in business suit in an office, coworkers in the background
Inline medium image, align center.

id=#iL Inline large image, align center. If a centered image is not a minimum of 770 and inline large/extra large is selected, the caption will not align. 

A canoe pulled up to shore on a wooded lake
Inline large image, align center. If a centered image is not a minimum of 770 and inline large/extra large is selected, the caption will not align.

id=#iE Inline extra large image, align center. Upload an image large enough use this selection. 1540 x 1028.

A canoe pulled up to shore on a wooded lake
Inline extra large image, align center. Upload an image large enough use this selection. 1540 x 1028.

id=#ulol Here are some lists:

Bulleted List with Two Levels

  • Bullet 1
  • Bullet 2
    • Bullet 2a
    • Bullet 2b
  • Bullet 3

Ordered List with Two Levels

With a line of text after the heading, to check space above headings.

  1. Bullet 1
  2. Bullet 2
    1. Bullet 2a
    2. Bullet 2b
  3. Bullet 3

A regular text paragraph. Callout below. id=#co

Callout Title

Dalmation puppy sitting in a field with dandelions

id=#call This Callout uses the Light background color. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam molestie luctus dolor, a pellentesque ex.

id=#stat Stat card below.


Buys a lot of coffee

or a very expensive dog

id=#cqv Stat and CTA above, Quick Links and Video below

Start at 0:21

Tabs H2 (Tab Title)

Tab/Accordion Items

id=#Tab-TabA-864. Event card in sidebar.

id=#Tab-TabB-867. Article card in content paragraph

id=#Tab-TabC-868. Just text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam molestie luctus dolor, a pellentesque ex.

Accordion H2 (Accordion Title)

Tab/Accordion Items

id=#AccordionA-870. Profile card in sidebar

id=#AccordionB-872. CTA card in content paragraph

Heading Title for Map

Tables in a text paragraph (H2)

Header row (H3)

Column One HeaderColumn Two Header


Header column

Row 1 Headerid=#t2Zeta
Row 2 HeaderEtaTheta


Header in both

Row 1 HeaderColumn HeaderColumn Header
Row 2 Headerid=#t3Kappa
Row 3 HeaderLambdaMu


No header



Regular width table




On This Page Jump Links

This page was last modified on 02/10/2025