VRT Bands
This page displays the different varieties of Bands available on the Digital Commons platform. It serves as a baseline for visual regression testing when code is deployed to the platform. Note that not every combination shown is desirable or a best practice.
View embed should be width of the band
View embed in a 2 column band
Band with dark background, light text
Video Title
Our mission:
Safeguard and preserve the lives and property of the people of North Carolina through prevention, protection, and preparation with integrity and honor.
Two Thirds - One Third Shifted
This type of band allows the right column to display content while the left column is empty. Without the "shifted" option, the right column content would appear in the position of the empty left column. This format is often used when there is a background image with the focal point on the left. There is also an option for Half Width Shifted, where each column is the same size.
Half Width Shifted
This type of band allows the right column to display content while the left column is empty. Without the "shifted" option, the right column content would appear in the position of the empty left column. This format is often used when there is a background image with the focal point on the left.
View embed in a 1-column band
Table in text editor
column | one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine | ten | eleven | twelve | thirteen | fourteen |
animal | dog | elephant | birb | weasel | reticulated python | zebra | possum | elk | cicada | turtle | giraffe | raccoon | cat | mouse |
color | blue | purple | paisley | yellow | pink | green | red | chartreuse | indigo | plaid | orange | magenta | cyan | orange |
food | tacos | lasagna | salad | ice cream | black olives | pizza | baba ganoush | pickles | macarons | corn dog | viennas | chili | sushi | chips |
plant | dandelion | aspen | rose | fern | algae | oak | gardenia | clover | crepe myrtle | juniper | hellebore | crab apple | moss | lavender |
Quick Links and Profile with light band background
Quick Links and Profile with dark band background
Images in text fields
Inline medium
Inline large
Inline extra large