agile scrum software development process

Sprint Review 52

Drupal Core update; added Help Topics for Menus, Icons and CTA Cards; both Tableau and PowerBI dashboards now supported in iFrame paragraph component; clarified Band Width options for Landing Pages; fixed apostrophes in Document Terms, first Tabs not displaying on some sites.

Author: Digital Solutions

Drupal Core Releases

Update to Drupal Core 10.4.3

Action Required

  • Time-Sensitive: Action Required for Custom Calendar Grids
    If your Digital Commons website uses a Custom Calendar Grid View, configuration changes are required before March 15th
    Please choose an option and email with the required information:
    • Fix it for me: Send the link to your custom Calendar Grid(s) and Dawain will take care of it for you.
    • Show me how to fix it: Email Dawain with your availability within the next 2-3 days and he will be happy to walk you through updating your custom Calendar Grid(s).
  • Why is this Happening?
    Our calendar grid functionality was upgraded during the last production push to resolve the issue of events not appearing on the correct grid date. All existing calendars need to be updated before March 15, 2025 to ensure they do not break. New custom calendars created will use the new plugin by default; this only applies to Calendar Grids created before Friday, February 28th.

New this Sprint

  • SPARK Request- We received a request via the Digital Commons Content Ninjas Teams Channel to allow Data Tables to right-align numerical data. This feature is now active automatically. Please note, however, that cells with a mixture of text and numbers will not right-align.
  • The iFrame paragraph component now accommodates both Tableau and PowerBI dashboard embeds.
  • Alert Creators and Editors can now unpublish Alerts rather than only being able to delete and recreate them. This will be especially useful for State Parks who often have trail closures due to flooded creeks or prescribed burns. Adding this feature temporarily prevented Web Managers from unpublishing Alerts, but has since been fixed.
  • The length of the link text on the Article Card paragraph component was causing issues with the heights of the card. Article cards with a main image as a background need a background width.

Help Topics

New Help Topics for Icons and Menu Structure and Navigation and significant updates to the CTA Card Help Topic

Clarification of Landing Page Band Width Settings

The menu of options for Band Widths on the Landing Page content type was unclear for many users as to what would change with each option. The user interface has been updated for clarity. 

User Interface menu of Band Width options before and after March 7, 2025
User Interface Before 3/7/2025User Interface After 3/7/2025
Full WidthFull-Width Content and Background
Limit Content to Large WidthStandard-Width Content, Full-Width Background
Limit Content and Background to Large WidthStandard-Width Content and Background


  • Document Terms containing apostrophes were showing the HTML code for an apostrophe instead of an actual apostrophe; this is fixed.
  • Some websites using the Tabs/Accordion paragraph type were not displaying the content in the first Tab; this is fixed. 

Incase you Missed it

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 Sprint Review 52 Video (Login Required)

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