Landing Page - current

A Focused Gateway to Web Content


The Landing Page content type is most often used to make a home page or the first page in a new section. Landing pages are built using bands.

  • Each band can have a plain background or background image.
  • Each band can have one to four columns, or or it can have a tabs/accordion option, which fills a single full-width column.
  • Each column in a band can be filled with text, an image, or a card (e.g., event or CTA card).


Does your Landing Page editor experience differ from the instructions below? New features for Landing Pages are rolling out to Digital Commons websites over the course of several weeks during Summer 2024. Please view our overview of these Landing Page Enhancements for guidance.


Publishers and Web Managers

How To

  • 1

    Create a Landing Page

    Navigate to: 

    • Content > Add Content > Landing Page
    Content menu.

    Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

    • Title — Enter the name of the Landing Page, as it will be seen when published.
    • Hide Title on Page — If desired, check the box to hide the title on the live page.
  • 2

    Main Image

    • Click the Add Media button to add a main image to the Landing Page.
    • Note: The minimum recommended sizes for main images on Landing Pages are:
      • 3840 × 1200 — Home page with search box.
      • 3840 × 750 — Home page without search box.
    Add media.
  • 3

    Add Bands

    Add one band or multiple bands to the Landing Page, as desired. (The page must have a least one band.)

    • Bands — Click the Add Band button.
    Add band.

    Choose a size for the band:

    • Full Width
    • 2 Columns
    • 3 Columns
    • 4 Columns
    • Tabs/Accordion

    Click the desired width to create the band.

    Band size.
  • 4

    Add Content

    • Band Title — The band title extends across the entire width of the band. Band titles are optional, as are titles for each column within a band.
    Band title.
    • Paragraph — Select a Paragraph option to insert into a column within the band. Use the text editor to add additional text, if desired. The number of columns within the band affects the Paragraph options available for each column. Paragraph options for each band type are listed below. See Help Topics for each Paragraph type to learn more about them.
    Text editor.

    Full Width Band Paragraph Options:

    • Article Card
    • CTA Card
    • Carousel
    • NC Map
    • Quick Links
    • Spotlight
    • Statistic Card
    • View Embed
    • Webform Embed
    Full width band paragraph options.

    2-Column Band Paragraph Options:

    • Article Card
    • CTA Card
    • Event Card
    • Profile Card
    • Tabs/Accordion
    • Quick Links
    • View Embed
    • NC Map
    • Statistic Card
    • Video Card
    • Webform Embed
    2 column band paragraph options.

    3-Column Band Paragraph Options:

    • Article Card
    • CTA Card
    • Event Card
    • Profile Card
    • Quick Links
    • View Embed
    • Statistic Card
    • Video Card
    • Webform Embed
    3 column band paragraph options.

    4-Column Band Paragraph Options:

    • Article Card
    • CTA Card
    • Event Card
    • Profile Card
    • Quick Links
    • Statistic Card
    • Video Card
    4 column band paragraph options.
  • 5

    Band Settings

    Background Image

    • Click the Add Media button to add a background image to the band.
    Add media.


    • Text Color — Choose a text color option:
      • None
      • Full Bleed
      • Dark Text
      • Light Text
    Text color.
    • Column Title Heading Level — Select an appropriate heading level for all column titles:
      • None
      • h2
      • h3
      • h4
      • h5
    Column title heading level.


    • Padding — Choose an option to create space around content inside the band:
      • None
      • No Top/Bottom Padding
      • Small Top/Bottom Padding
      • Medium Top/Bottom Padding
      • Medium Top Padding Only
      • Medium Bottom Padding Only
      • Large Top/Bottom Padding
      • Large Top Padding Only
      • Large Bottom Padding Only
    Padding options.
    • Width — Set the content and/or background width option:
      • None
      • Full Width
      • Limit Content to Large Width
      • Limit Content and Background to Large Width
    Content width options.
    • Statistic Size — Use this option to adjust the statistic size on any stat cards:
      • None
      • 110%
      • 90%
      • 80%
      • 70%
    Statistic size options.
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    Home Page Popular Topics

    Home Page Popular Topics are featured links in the Home Page search box. These display only when using the Home Page search block.

    • URL — Enter a web address for the featured link.
    URL field.
    • Linked Text — Enter the text for the featured link.
    Link text field.
  • 7

    Organizing Bands

    Bands can be re-ordered by dragging them or using row weights.


    • To drag, hover over the cross symbol on the band entry, then click-and-hold to move the band up or down. Release to place.
    Drag to reorder band.

    Row Weight

    To re-order the bands by row weight:

    • Click Show Row Weights.
    Show row weights for bands.
    • From the dropdown menu at right, choose a numeric value for one or more bands to reorder them. The lowest number appears on top.
    Row weight numeric value for bands.
    • Click Hide Row Weights to return to the previous view.
    Hide row weights for bands.
  • 8


    To save the Landing Page:

    • Click Save at the bottom of the Edit page.
    Save button.
    • Publish and add to menu, as desired.