Upload a File

Files appear below the last paragraph on the site page as a list of links to documents.

  • You may upload an unlimited number of files.
  • The maximum size for each file is 256 MB.
  • The allowed file types: pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, csv, txt, rtf, zip, ppt, pptx, xml, kmz and mp3.
  • best practice for file types is to use pdf format instead of Microsoft Office formats because not all users may have access to Microsoft Office.

You may add files in two ways: uploaded directly and selected from the media library.

How To

Upload a File

Go to Files > Add Media.

Step 1. Choose file: To add a new file to the library, click on Choose File. Select the file directory on your computer and locate the file you want to add. Double-click on that file to select it.

Step 2. File name: The file name of the uploaded file automatically appears in this text box. You can change the file name.

Step 3. Document Entity Body: 

Step 4: Document Description: Add a description which may be used as the label of the link to the file. NOTE: If you want to add a description you must do this before selecting the required document type.

Step 5. Document (required): Click on the down arrow to select the document type.

Document Types:

  • Apps
  • Blog
  • Documents
  • Example pages
  • Images

Step 6. URL Alias: An automatic URL alias is generated. You may create a custom URL alias by removing the check mark from the box and entering the new URL.

Step 7. Division/Office, Document Collection, Document Entity Terms: These are not in use at this time. Check the N/A box.

Step 8. Published Dates: The first published and last published dates are automatically added when you upload the file. For later revisions to the file, you may change these dates. Check the published box.

Step 9. Save and Select or Save and Insert: Click on save and select to verify the file is the one you want. If you do not need to review the file before publishing it on the page, click on save and insert to insert the file link on your page.

Select a File from the Media Library

Go to Files > Add Media.

  1. Search for the file you want to use.
    • Scroll down to view the files available in the media library.
    • Alternatively, go to the Name box, and enter the name or part of the name of the file you wish to upload. You can select other filters such as published/unpublished, document organization and sort by. 
  2. Click Apply Filters to search the files.
  3. Scroll to the files, and check the small box beside the image you wish to select.
  4. Click Insert Selected to upload the file to your page.


Files appear in a list below the last paragraph on the page.